Inquiry as a way of life- ongoing, consistent, daily inquiry to build questioning. How often do kids ask questions? Does every child in the class ask questions daily? Studies found that by G5, some students can go days without asking a single question.
Think about daily Wonder Time- using a wonder wall or National Geographic picture of the day to just promote questioning, but this needs time to follow up on, or it's self-defeating! Model this during class meetings, show how curious you are as a teacher then follow up the following day to model how you looked into it, how you answered it and your follow-up questions.
Think of inquiry as a sequence, not simply a single question from day one. The Curiosity Coma
Answering a question vs addressing a question -> language helps to think about best way to further questioning. One question leads to a following question that's related to the first etc.
The more we learn, the more we WONDER. Not the more we learn, the more we know. How do we
make sure that we don't encourage answers instead of questions? the power of yet, janelle monae
Should we be phrasing it as 'experts' vs specialists?
Areas of speciality- all kids in the class can talk about things they specialize in. Before exhibition begins? That would be powerful as a resource during the exhibition. Expertise implies that the
learning is finished.
learning is finished.
Get away from the "main idea" when reading- key ideas and connected thinking
Especially challenging given the program. Not nearly enough time to read, write, think, reflect, inquire!!
How can we balance that out? Value to a rich program, but where is the extended learning time.
Google 20% time
Could we integrate that into passion projects? What push back would we get? Assuming we built in language, maths etc?
3M 15% Solution
Time to dream, to think, to wonder, to work on projects of interest
Creativity needs freedom
14256 hours between kindergarten and gr 12!!!!!
Build it into small group inquiry with common interests during final unit of inquiry- allow an hour 3x a week during instrument time? What would it replace- writers' workshop?